Search For Internal Data, Intuitively.

Write Proposals 9 Times Faster, Accurately.

Optimize Your Law Firm's Profits With Andean.

Search, Analyze, Create.

Search, Analyze, Create.

Our Services

  • Understands client requirements, produces an outline for the pitch, analyzes data using our search tool, and generates a response that simply loads into your custom templates.

    In the most complex cases, we can handle entire RFPs a hundred pages long, and our pricing tool helps with accurate pricing based on precedence from within the firm and databases like EDGAR.

    Supports collaboration and access-level management.

    We’ve helped lawyers write proposals up to 9 times faster.

  • Understands natural language and context to help search and gather information from within your database. Connects to iManage, NetDocs, and more. All sources will be cited and grounded in data. 

    Start chatting.

    “Will there be a conflict of interest if we service firm A?”

    “Who should I bring on my team to help with case B?”

    “Show me all relevant cases for our firm’s work in IPOs in the AI sector in 2024.”

  • Confidentiality is key. That's why our system of assistants are locally deployable, either on cloud or on premise — no information ever gets leaked. The firm will have full control over every bit of data that flows in the system.

Andean Values

At Andean, we prioritize your confidentiality and trust. We work hard to make our services available to you locally, on cloud or premise. Your data is yours, and yours only.

At Andean, we value simplicity. Turning a complex tool into a minimalist interface is hard. But we do it because your job is hard enough — there’s no need to let clunky software make it harder.

At Andean, we believe in creating value for you — that’s all there is.

Contact Us

Thank you for taking your time to look at Andean. It would be our honor to work with you.